Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16 workbee!

Stephanie has been busy with moving things, so the blog hasn't had too much activity lately! We'll miss you Stephanie! This is a little update on what's been going on at the greenhouse recently. If any of you would like to volunteer to keep this blog active, please let me know! It has great potential to help connect the "community" part of the Hinton Community Greenhouse & Gardens.

Construction took a back seat briefly while people were busy getting their plots planted. In the meantime, the "landscaping committee" (Jamal, Bill, and Steve) have been busy planning and preparing lots of little (and big!) improvements around the site, including the fence line bordering Barrow Safety Services' parking lot, rock gardens at the entrance to the north greenhouse, and lots of other improvements. We have a new roadway and parking lot cleared and functioning. We're putting the finishing touches on our sign for the front entrance (courtesy of Amanda Hack and her Communication Technology class!), and should have it erected in the next week or two. And today we had a very productive work-bee and built several sections of screening fence along the front edges of the greenhouses complete with planters and benches, stained the 4 new picnic tables, mulched all the outdoor landscaping, extended the fence line, put up some bulletin boards in the north greenhouse, and placed all the currently built boxes for outdoor raised beds ready for planting next spring! A huge thank-you to Jamal, Bill, Garry, Bernie, Sharlin, Joe, the Duval family, and Cel.

The judges from "Communities in Bloom" are going to visit the site on July 20, so a lot of the above work was to spruce things up in time for that. Our next work bee is scheduled for Sat., August 6, so mark your calendars! The plan is to finish off the south greenhouse and outdoor plots ready for next spring. There's always stuff to do, so please check out the website for details, as well as lots of useful information about the greenhouse -

Happy Gardening!
