Monday, October 25, 2010

WORKDAY Saturday October 30th

Hi Everyone!

We are planning another workday on Saturday October 30th, starting at 10 a.m.

Pizza lunch will be provided.

Please bring any big ladders (12' and up) you have, work gloves, and any socket wrenches or drills with long 7/16 sockets.

We are down to the very end - please come out and help us finish this up before Old Man Winter cuts us off!

Help us win 25 000$ toward the community garden!

Well, everyone - we have TWO greenhouses standing now!  We still have some work to do to stabilize them and to fill them up with all the good things we'll need for next spring, but most of what we need is on site, and we'll just need a few hours of your time to get it all moved in!

Meanwhile, i've been busy working on our submission to Joey's Only Seafood "Revive Your Community" contest -

Here is our video (which we submitted along with an essay) - the prize is 25 000$ grant money toward Hinton Community Garden Society!  Voting has started, so please visit

 and vote as much as you can!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The First Greenhouse Goes Up Today!

Well, today is the day - This Saturday, October 16th, starting at 10 a.m., we will be erecting the first greenhouse.

We still have one concrete pour to do for the second greenhouse, but we are all set for the first, and eager to get it up before the weather turns.

If you haven't come out yet, please come today!  We can use all hands on deck to get those huge arches up in the air!  Teenagers welcome!  Retirees welcome!  Anyone welcome!

Lunch will be provided around noon (pizza, in case you are allergic) - and we are hoping to be done by 4:30 p.m. at the latest.  If we get a lot of people out, we'll be done way earlier!

Please come out and support the Hinton Community greenhouse!

Here is what it looks like this morning (and i'll post the after picture tonight, too!)

Thanksgiving 2010-0001

We really do need you today!