Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday afternoon concrete pour - and it's a go!

Yeah, we know it was snowing all day, but for some tough minded volunteers and board members, that just made us work faster!

I'm pleased to report that today, the first day of snow in Hinton, September 19th - we've finished the first of four concrete pours - this means one half of one  greenhouse.  We are hoping for better weather tomorrow, and if we get that and a few men, we'll take off the forms and get ready for the next pour - we'll need to take off the forms, reshape them, backfill around the posts that are done so we can get better access to the other side of the greenhouse.  And we'll also be putting down the string for the second greenhouse and leveling the boxes on the second half of the first greenhouse - so lots of work to do!

Noel Corser will be phoning or emailing the people who've helped so far in hopes of organizing another weekend workday - if you are free and interested, please come on out and help us get this thing done before snow is here to stay!  Noel's email is

Anyway, this is how it went down today - we got there at 12, the cement truck got there around 1 - and we left, all tools washed off and all posts inserted, at 2:30 p.m. - so it wasn't a huge time commitment, but we had about ten volunteers and that really helped us move quickly along the line.  Foothills Concrete did a great job, too!  We are so grateful for Lane's help and advice!

Thank you to all the great volunteers who have come out so far and helped make this happen...

stephanie and the greenhouse crew (pictures to come!)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Workday Saturday September 11th, 2010

Thank you to all the great volunteers who came out today and helped us figure out how to get everything ready for the concrete pour of the footings!  Tomorrow afternoon is concrete!  Come out and help if you haven't already :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hinton Registration Fair

So we had a little table at the Hinton Registration Fair - and if you were there, you saw these lovely ladies, with membership packages and plot information.  If you are interested, but didn't make the fair - feel free to leave us a note here, on FB or thru email (or come on out to the next board meeting - Thursday, at 7 p.m. in the Teck Coal Room in the library!)

Mary Anne Godard and Pat Richardson manning the table...